Orval Osborne

Orval Osborne blogs here about religion, politics and urban planning issues. I also blog on creek-muskogee.livejournal.com. I like to figure out how things work.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Osborne for Council - 4th of July

For Immediate Release July 1, 2004
Contact: Orval Osborne oosborne@fix.net 235-8178

Orval Osborne for City Council

On the 4th of July, Orval Osborne will start his campaign for City Council of San Luis Obispo. Osborne declares: "I am choosing Independence Day to announce my candidacy because I want to honor the founding principles of our country: democratic representation and individual liberty. The people should choose their leaders, and the leaders must be accountable to the people."

Experience, Dedication and Vision are Osborne's main qualifications for Council. He has four years experience on the Planning Commission. Orval founded and manages a local business, Creek Environmental Laboratories, which currently employs twelve people. Osborne was voted President of his church Board of Trustees. He is a dedicated family man.

"Quality of Life for All" is his campaign theme. "We need to build on what is best about SLO. Our downtown is the envy of the nation. Small, locally-owned businesses provide the most benefit to the community and the economy." Osborne led the effort to increase affordable housing as Chair of the Planning Commission during the City's recent Housing Element update. He wants to improve the town-gown relationship. Osborne wants to maintain and expand the City's greenbelt and open space protection. "Much of our business relies on tourism. Maintaining our natural beauty serves our tourist trade as well as benefiting everyone who lives here."

Osborne waxes eloquent about the City he loves: "San Luis Obispo is a great place to live. I am grateful for the wisdom and courage of the City leaders who have gone before me. My goal as a Council Member is to honor their legacy by growing San Luis Obispo's quality of life as we move into the future."


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