Orval Osborne

Orval Osborne blogs here about religion, politics and urban planning issues. I also blog on creek-muskogee.livejournal.com. I like to figure out how things work.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Solstice

peak of the circle in length of day that annual cycle that gives us seasons another pattern of time wrapped in a circular rhythm
I stopped in at my friend's house to return her binder she invites me to stay for dinner her husband is a wonderful cook especially with baking bread this family is a model of the good life intentionally lived educated methodically discussed what was important made a family moved to San Luis Obispo because it ranked high on all their parameters so when I drop off her binder and he says want to stay? I stayed.
I went to Men's Group a little late last night in the Fellowship homeless volunteers said they went somewhere else I found them at my first choice Cabo San Luis next Men's Group we'll meet somewhere else no more Fellowship at 232 Foothill Boulevard i am really feeling tghe sad boodbye I have all those memories of experiences in this building its a fetish to associate the experience of community in a physical structure but thats the way we think.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

wildlife in my backyard

Kandi and I go for a hike most mornings. There is a hill nearby that
is too steep to develop. Cows graze on the lower, flatter areas. This
is interconnected with other wild areas. So even though it is in town,
it is good wildlife habitat. It is all grassland and rock. There are
no trees since it is serpentine soil, is windy and gets little rain.

There are lots of birds of prey around there: red-tailed hawks, turkey
vultures, kites, and others I can't name. I saw an owl once. I saw a
buck deer. We smell skunks sometimes. Last winter one morning before
the sun rose, we saw coyotes on the hill.

A couple weeks ago, I saw a fox family, apparently a mother and father
and a juvenile. Their tails are so fluffy. I was walking our 2 dogs
(they aren't MY dogs, but that's another story), so I tried to get my
dogs out of there so as to not disturb the foxes. Over the next few
days, I saw the juvenile repeatedly. It makes a strange sound, which I
first thought was a bird, perhaps a bird in distress. But then I saw
the fox making the sound. The fox seemed to be luring my dogs to it,
maybe to play. I thought my dog would get eaten, but nothing happened.

I am so fortunate that there is a wild place within easy walking
distance from my house.