Orval Osborne

Orval Osborne blogs here about religion, politics and urban planning issues. I also blog on creek-muskogee.livejournal.com. I like to figure out how things work.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Why I oppose the Marketplace project

I oppose the Marketplace project on the Dalidio farmland because it is out of character with the San Luis Obispo we know and love. The traffic burden would be intense, with at least 20,000 car trips a day. The Kotin report says existing stores would lose $40 Million a year. This is a typical "pave paradise and put up a parking lot" development. They plan to sprawl over this rich farmland with surface parking lots instead of building parking garages and multistory shops. The City has room for a Target and much more next to Home Depot and the already approved CostCo.


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