Orval Osborne

Orval Osborne blogs here about religion, politics and urban planning issues. I also blog on creek-muskogee.livejournal.com. I like to figure out how things work.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Election Results and commentary

Election Results (top 2 vote-getters win):
# votes candidate
7847 Paul Brown
6462 Christine Mulholland

4340 Andrew Carter
3251 Orval Osborne (me)
2403 Lauren LaJoie
1964 Philip Hannifin
1439 Shane Kramer
47 write-in

I am proud of my campaign, and I think I did it with class and dignity. I do admit to being disappointed that I didn't win, as that was my goal. However, after a little time for reflecting on the results, I have concluded I could not have won even if I spent a lot more on my campaign.

Everyone is telling me I should run again, and that it often takes two campaigns to get one's name out. I did enjoy campaigning, and I do think I would make an excellent Councilmember. But it is too early to make any commitments. I will certainly consider it. For now, I am trying to cope with having unscheduled free time once again.

Thanks again to all who helped with my campaign, whether you gave your money and/or your time. I appreciate all the support I got. I am grateful to live in such a wonderful community.


At 7:15 PM, Blogger REB 84 said...


Obviously, you are interested in politics. Please visit
QuestionItNow - Blogs
and share your views.

Thank you,

REB 84


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