Orval Osborne

Orval Osborne blogs here about religion, politics and urban planning issues. I also blog on creek-muskogee.livejournal.com. I like to figure out how things work.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Our City's biggest challenge

San Luis Obispo has a huge jobs-housing imbalance, which causes our traffic problems. Our nightime population is 44,000; our daytime population swells to 100,000. We need more affordable housing, and fewer low-wage jobs. Our City needs to grow up, not out, with high-density designs that are beautiful, desirable places to live. We need quality designed infill housing, especially apartments, condos and mobile home parks, especially apartments over shops that working people can afford. Gasoline prices will go up sharply in the future. People living in the City drive less, and can easier walk, bike or ride the bus to their many destinations. We need to plan for that now.


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